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"3DPageFlip FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice is a tiny tool (100% freeware) to help you transfer..."

Quick Download Free FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice 1.0

Free 3DPageFlip FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice
100% Free software for LibreOffice to flipping book conversion with page flip effect!

3DPageFlip FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice is a tiny tool (100% freeware) to help you transfer LibreOffice files, including odt, odp, ods, odg, odb, into flash eBook with flipping pages! With FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice, e-magazine, flip catalog, digital brochures, flipping newspapers all can be built from LibreOffice. The flipbook creator offers three kinds of conversion options for output format. It will help you to publish the digital flipbook online and share it with the world for personal purpose or commercial purpose. This kind of flash flip LibreOffice software is easy to use yet powerful flip program to create your own professional and gorgeous page flip book with very short time. The full features are listed in the advantages list.

Advantages by using free 3DPageFlip FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice

Flexibility for decoration
There is a comprehensive tool bar to help you design LibreOffice to flippingbook. You can define book title, page width and height, margin, flash window color, background color or images, page shadow, flip effect, background sound, tool bar color, icon color, link properties, etc. All are according to you.

Various Content from original LibreOffice
You can create flipping book from a list of LibreOffice files, including odt, odp, ods, odg, odb formats. The eBook content will retain the same as the one in your original document, including pictures, texts. It even allows links in the text as well.

Localization according to your needs
You can define language for the output flip document to make it locally to your native readers.

Adaptability for any functions
Any function (tool bar, home page, search, zooming, saving, etc) can be turned off. To do this, just "Hide" the corresponding button away from the control panel.

Simplicity for usingNo programm skill is needed.

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Free FlippingBook Maker for LibreOffice
File Size:26538 KB
Last updated:2012-12-19
License:Freeware   $0
Author:3D PageFlip Ltd.
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Statement do not supply any crack, patches,torrent, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks or keygen for the software,and please consult directly with program authors (3D PageFlip Ltd.) if you have any problem with the software.

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