More results for Second Order Differential Equations
  • ODE implements methods for finding solutions to systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE's).

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.8) | Downloads:(24) |

  • ODE implements methods for finding solutions to systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE's) using Runge Kutta, modified mid-point, Bulirsh-Stoer, Rosenbrock, semi-implicit extrapolation methods and the second-order conservative equations. ...

    OS :Mac,Linux | Average rating:(4.2) | Downloads:(29) |

  • ODE implements methods for finding solutions to systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE's).

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(32) |

  • Linear Ordinary Differential Equations - Power Series Solutions solves

    involving linear ordinary differential equations of any order, with variable coefficients. The boundary conditions

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(15) |

  • The program PEEI calculates numerical solutions of systems of partial differential equations that have number of equations equal or greater of the number of unknown functions. This version has the following improvements over the previous ones. Have been improved the GUI, the management of the ...

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(7) |

  • ODEcalc for Windows: An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Calculator! State your equation andboundary or initial value conditions and it solves your problem. Plots solution, y, and derivative, ydot, versus x.Solves IVP and BVP.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(20) |

  • 20-sim is an advanced modeling and simulation package for Windows. With 20-sim you can simulate the behavior of dynamic systems, such as electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems or any combination of these. 20-sim models may use iconic diagrams, bond graphs, block diagrams as well as differential equations. Used in ...

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.7) | Downloads:(32) |

  • Plotting functions (usual and parametric) with more possibilities.Differentiation of any order (with simplification). Construction of tangents to the graph. The simple and clear interface with detailed documentation and examples of work.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(17) |

  • The physic of the real world can be formulated into mathematical form using differential equations. Differential equation and systems of differential equations are the natural language trough we can describe any real devices like electronic circuit, automatic controls, elettro-magnetic wave emission or any other engineering problems. The purpose of OpenDDPT project is to ...

    OS :Mac,Linux | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(23) |

  • The system solves constrained nonlinear parameter estimation (nonlinear

    on the solution of a dynamical system, e.g., of a differential equation, and the parameters to be estimated; additional

    OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(5) |

  • MathWriter is a java stand-alone program that allows for the production of, Mathematical, Scientific and Engineering equations and formulae.Schoolteachers and Lecturers will find MathWriter useful for producing notes, reports and test papers.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |

  • Advanced Sci/Eng calculator. Expression evaluation, 18 digits precision, variables, >100 functions, graphs, unit conversion, interpolation, polynomial regression, linear algebra, systems of linear, nonlinear and differential equations, optimization.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(39) |

  • MatBasic is a calculating, programming and debugging environment using special high-level programming language designed for solving mathematical problems. MatBasic programming language allows execution of difficult mathematical calculations, involving an exhaustive set of tools for the purpose of creation of algorithmic programs. It also allows a user to abstract his mind from the type of working data ...

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(5) |

  • Scientific calculations and data analysis software. 2D and 3D graphic plots of functions and data. Calculations with vectors, matrices, tensors, complex numbers, fractions, quaternions, polynomials. Data fitting, statistics, optimization, spectrums.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(3.8) | Downloads:(23) |

  • Math Assistant and Hypertext Notepad for Engineers and Scientists using

    Assists with calculating networks of formulae, dynamic simulations, equation solutions, differential, multiple

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(3.6) | Downloads:(28) |

  • Math Asst., Calculator, and Hypertext Notepad for Scientists and Engineers using Pocket PC 2003. Assists with calculating networks of formulae, dynamic simulation, differential and linear equation solution, multiple equations and unknowns, builtin script language. Useful for engineering and science computations, trying out ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(18) |

  • These days, there are many things that require mathematical modeling: from exchange rates prediction to engineering and financial planning. Infinity is the unique math application that brings actual mathematical modeling results! Download FREE trial!

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(9) |

  • Mathomatic is a portable Computer Algebra System (CAS) written entirely in the C programming language. It is a text mode application that does symbolic math and quick calculations in a standard, generalized, and consistent way.

    OS :Windows 7/Vista,Mobile | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |

  • GeomDraw is a program which is used to produce documents containing geometrical diagrams. The diagrams are produced from GeomDraw as bitmap images.Schoolteachers and Lecturers will find GeomDraw useful for producing notes,reports,and test papers. It is designed so that a diagram may be drawn on the screen,and then translated into a bitmap image of ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(29) |

  • LAB Fit is a software for Windows developed for treatment and analysis of experimental data. At LABFit program you are able to:1) Treat similar data (grouped and ungrouped dataset, one or two samples);2) Treat non-similar data;3) Determine propagated error (error propagation up to eight independent variables);4) Plot 2D and 3D graph (normal, parametric, imported ...

    OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(8) |

  • Fully functional expression calculator, unit converter,

    , solver of system of linear equations. MAIN FEATURES: Calculates mathematical expression on the fly. Includes

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(18) |

  • 20-sim is an advanced modeling and simulation package for Windows. With 20-sim you can simulate the behavior of dynamic systems, such as electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems or any combination of these. 20-sim models may use iconic diagrams, bond graphs, block diagrams as well as differential equations. Used in ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.7) | Downloads:(35) |

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