• IVA Debt Solution 1.0 Free

    Internet Explorer Toolbar to help UK homeowners and tenants find an IVA Debt Solution to help clear debts of £15,000+. The toolbar contains links and RSS feeds to all the main debt help sites and users can contact a debt expert in minutes.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(12) |

  • IVA Debt Help 1.0 Free

    Internet Explorer Toolbar to help, UK Homeowners and Tenants, find fast and discreet debt help online. The toolbar also contains debt related RSS feeds and Links to key UK debt help organisations and debt management councillors.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(13) |


    Estrazione dati professionale dal sitoweb di pagine gialle

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(133) |

More results for Partita Iva
  • Questa utility e' stata creata per consentire il calcolo del codice fiscale e per ricavare i dati essenziali partendo da un codice fiscale; e' possibile inoltre fotografare il codice fiscale, stamparlo, copiarlo negli appunti ed altre utili funzioni.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(33) |

  • DF_CodiceFiscale is an ActiveX OCX, ActiveX DLL and .Net DLL that allows any developer to put inside of his application the functionalites for calculating CodiceFiscale, retrieving user data from an existing one and also show a full user friedly application. DF_CodiceFiscale is an OCX but also an ActiveX DLL so ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(20) |

  • DF_MiniOffice is a .Net DLL that contains a very rich Italian archive very

    from an existing onepartita IVA checkget ABI and CAB codes of more than 32000 Italian banksget CAB codes of Italian

    OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(10) |

  • MagicScore is a magnificent musical editor. Advantages of MagicScore: The convenient interface for a set of partitas, some variants of data input by means of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, and as big set of musical symbols.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(5) |

  • MagicScore is a magnificent, powerful and convenient musical editor, for those who professionally are engaged in music, seriously studies it or simply loves music and self-expression. Advantages of MagicScore: The convenient interface for a set of partitas, some variants of data input by means of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(3) |


    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(46) |

  • MagicScore is a magnificent, powerful and convenient musical editor, for those who professionally are engaged in music, seriously studies it or simply loves music and self-expression. Advantages of MagicScore: The convenient interface for a set of partitas, some variants of data input by means of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices and big set of musical symbols. ...

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(11) |

  • MagicScore is a magnificent, powerful and convenient musical editor, for those who professionally are engaged in music, seriously studies it or simply loves music and self-expression. Advantages of MagicScore: The convenient interface for a set of partitas, some variants of data input by means of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(16) |

  • MagicScore is a magnificent musical editor. Advantages of MagicScore: The convenient interface for a set of partitas, some variants of data input by means of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, and as big set of musical symbols.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(33) |

  • MagicScore is a magnificent, powerful and convenient musical editor,

    of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices and big set of musical symbols. Automatic and manual formatting of partitas

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(8) |

  • Download your free Protected Trust Deed application for desktop use. For the first time you can apply for a Protected Trust Deed from your own computer without the need of a browser. The Protected Trust Deed application is set up for Windows machines only and ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(4) |

  • Fattura! e' un programma dal facile utilizzo, per la gestione delle fatture. Si presenta con un'interfaccia grafica semplice ed intuitiva ma allo stesso tempo professionale

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(228) |

  • Software per la gestione delle entrate e delle uscite da scaricare subito.

    OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.7) | Downloads:(115) |

  • Coge XP e' un software contabile multiaziendale adatto per le elaborazioni contabili effettuate dallo studio per conto terzi o dalle aziende stesse che intendono gestire in proprio le attivita' amministrative/contabili. Tra le principali caratteristiche ricordiamo:Piano dei conti standard su tre livelli (secondo la IV Dir. CEE) con modello del piano dei ...

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.7) | Downloads:(97) |

  • Semplice è un software Windows per la gestione di fatture, DDT, gestione scadenze, magazzino. Scaricalo Gratis!

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(48) |

  • Coge 7 e' il software progettato da InfoLab per velocizzare le operazioni necessarie per la tenuta della contabilita' generale che dovrebbe provare ogni 'contabile' prima di scegliere il proprio software gestionale.Coge 7 e' adatto sia per le aziende che intendono gestire internamente la contabilita' generale che per gli studi che intendono effettuare elaborazioni contabili in conto terzi in quanto e' un ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.8) | Downloads:(27) |

  • ALCA e' un programma per la gestione del magazzino orientato verso aziende medio-piccole che necessitano in tempo reale e soprattutto facilmente di una gestione del proprio magazzino. Concepito per risolvere facili problemi di esperienza quotidiana, dovrebbe rispondere esaurientemente alle aspettative anche del cliente piu' esigente; la grafica e' stata ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.7) | Downloads:(119) |

  • ALCA e' un programma per la gestione del magazzino orientato verso aziende medio-piccole che necessitano in tempo reale e soprattutto facilmente di una gestione del proprio magazzino.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(62) |

  • The Mortgage Broker Toolbar has been designed specifically for people searching for mortgage information in the UK and provides easy one-click access to a whole host of mortgage related facilities such as a built-in mortgage article knowledgebase, a mortgage jargon buster, a fast quote facility, the ability to contact a professional ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(22) |

  • Ultimate Encoder 2004 is a high fidelity CDA/MP3/WMA/AVI//WMV Audio/Video encoder and decoder for Windows 2000, XP or higher, with integrated CD-Grabber, supports MP3 from 8Kbps to 320Kbps and WMA9 (Windows Media Audio V9) from 4Kbps to 768Kbps, 100KHz, 24-bit. With a cool user interface.It takes as input Windows ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(33) |

  • Debt before April 2007 can be written off. Save thousands. We sort out your finances and write off credit card debt for a small fee. Write off any loan agreement prior to April 2007 which does not meet Consumer Credit Act rules.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(8) |

  • Credit cards before April 2007 can be written off. Save thousands.

    in the first place. Together with an IVA this can write off 90% of your debt at a stroke and put you back on track to start your life anew. Say goodbye

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |

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