• Obfuscator 1.0

    Obfuscator is a tool to modify x86 assembler source code in this way to make an analysis of compiled code very difficult.

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(11) |

  • Assembler 2 1.0 Free

    Assembler 2 is hard! Anyways your prayers have been heard and the sequel is here! With some pretty hard, sometimes even frustrating challenges actually. Anyone who said A1 is was easy now get’s it. The goal remains the same.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(3) |

  • Assembler 3 1.0 Free

    Assembler is back! Play through over 40 new unique levels, or design your own with the all new level editor. Use principles of architecture, leverage, buoyancy and balance to achieve the solution.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(2) |

More results for Assembly Obfuscation
  • Graphical overview of CLR assemblies, functions, stored procedures etc. across servers and databases. Drag/drop installation/removal. Generates full change/rollback scripts.

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(5) |

  • Advert Assembler is a software tool that allows you to create and manage your picture ads for your web page. You can install picture ads scripts to as many web sites as you want and you can easily setup your picture ad within a few minutes.

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP,Mobile | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |

  • Do you know that it is easy to hack paid apps code from the Windows Store?

    and the negative implications on intellectual property rights protection. There are a lot of freeware .NET tools called .NET assembly

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(3) |

  • Allatori is a second generation Java obfuscator, which offers a full spectrum of protection for your intellectual property. We have developed a number of unique functions into Allatori to make reverse engineering the code nigh on impossible.

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.2) | Downloads:(22) |

  • Javascript Obfuscator, Compressor and Minifier! Scramble, obfuscate, and pack JavaScript code! Javascript Obfuscator converts the Java Script source code into completely unreadable form, preventing your code from analysing and theft. It's a 100% safe Java Script minifier and the best JavaScript ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(8) |

  • Objs is an advanced tool for obfuscating JavaScript/EcmaScript code in order to hide it from the public and make it difficult to read. Objs is delivered in two versions: * Standard GUI version for desktop use; * Command line version to use on server

    OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(2) |

  • DashO-Pro is a Java Obfuscator, Compactor, Optimizer, and Watermarker that helps protect programs against reverse engineering while making them smaller and more efficient. The Java obfuscation code protection tool selected by Sun.

    OS :Windows XP/2003,Mac,Linux | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(13) |

  • Mangle-It C++ Obfuscator makes C/C++ code unreadable. Comments are stripped, symbol and file names are mangled, strings encrypted. A signature like LPTSTR Translate( LPCTSTR psz ) is converted to LPTSTR sXXXYYYXXYXXYX( LPCTSTR sXXXXYYXYYXXYX ), the string Log converts to x82x88x83x85x84x83x86x82. Work in Debug and Release mode, command ...

    OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(8) |

  • Reformat source code in your own style with just a point and click! Obfuscator also!Formatter for HTML, C/C++, PHP, Javascript, CSS, C#, Java, Perl, JSP, Python, Delphi, Visual Basic, ASP, Actionscript and XML. Download your free trial today!

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(10) |

  • Assemblur is an award-winning development tool that helps protecting .NET code from being reverse-engineered. Features: .NET Framework 2.0 support, managed C++ assembly obfuscation, cross-assembly obfuscation, flexible exclusion mechanism, obfuscation preview (simulation). Visual Studio 2005/2008 add-in (full integration into build process) and a standalone version. Free for use in projects ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(20) |

  • Professional approach to protecting, research, document and reverse engineering .Net assemblies! Spices.Net - powerful tool for .Net developers that offers obfuscation, decompilation, analytical and documentation management features. Spices.Net is plugin environment that constantly renewing new possibilities. ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(7) |

  • Assembly linking is an acute angle of any application including multiple

    for deployment. It does the linkage afterwards your main assembly has been obfuscated. The Linker interface intended for linking

    OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(21) |

  • .Net Decompiler that decompiles/disassembles .Net assemblies and build code flow diagrams from MSIL (MS Intermediate Language) binary format to well-formed and optimized source code (6 languages: MSIL, C#, VB.NET, Delphi.Net J# and managed C++). Spices.Decompiler completely integrated into Spices.Net and offers wide range of ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.7) | Downloads:(56) |

  • Aspose.Obfuscator is a .Net assembly obfuscator, which obfuscates .Net assemblies so decompiling results of obfuscated ones are extremely difficult to

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(28) |

  • Aspose.Obfuscator is a .Net assembly obfuscator, which obfuscates .Net assemblies so decompiling results of obfuscated ones are extremely difficult to

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(27) |

  • Aspose.Obfuscator is a .Net assembly obfuscator, which obfuscates .Net assemblies so decompiling results of obfuscated ones are extremely difficult to understand, offering the most sophisticated technologies to protect intellectual property of .Net software authors. With it, you can: Obfuscate .Net Exe files while reserve all necessary names by itself Obfuscate ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(27) |

  • Protect intellectual property: industry-leading code obfuscation technology. Optimize size and performance: profile, accelerate and compress executables. Simplify test and deployment: link assemblies and embed Framework dependencies.

    OS :Windows XP/2003/CE,Pocket PC,Blackberry | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(63) |

  • Uncompromisable protection of your intellectual properties from prying eyes, competitors and reverse engineering.Spices.Obfuscator is a .Net code protection tool that offers the wide range of technologies to completely protect your .Net code and intellectual properties. The obfuscator rebuilds your .Net assemblies to the new format that is impossible to disassemble/decompile, and impossible to be understand.Spices.Obfuscator ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(7) |

  • The ProblemMost of the .NET code proctection tools out there either fall into the obfuscator category or shell-encryption tool category. A plain obfuscator is simply too weak and far from a decent protection, shell-encryption tools are a lot more secure than obfuscators thus you could see ...

    OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(9) |

  • .NET Reactor is a powerful code protection and software licensing system. .NET Reactor prevents decompilation by a variety of methods which convert your .NET assembly (EXE & DLL) into processes which no existing tool can decompile.

    OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(38) |

  • IntelliLock is an advanced 100% managed solution for licensing controls and

    functionality/schema with reliable assembly protection. Its protection capabilities meet the needs you demand on a secure licensing

    OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(3) |

  • What to do if you wrote a VB.NET application for a client a couple of years ago, but you no longer have the source code of the .NET project? All you have is the EXE that you deployed on the client's computer. Is there a way you can generate VB.NET source code from ...

    OS :Windows | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(4) |

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