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"HTM to iPad Converter is a HTM conversion tool that allows for batch conversion of HTM to iPad..."

Quick Download HTM to iPad Converter 2.0

HTM to iPad Converter is a HTM conversion tool that allows for batch conversion of HTM to iPad. HTM to iPad Converter convert HTM to iPad quickly. HTM to iPad Converter does batch convert HTM to iPad documents, you can use HTM to iPad Converter to quickly and easily create iPad files.

HTM to iPad Converter key features:
1. HTM to iPad Converter supports all Windows systems.
2. HTM to iPad Converter convert HTM files to iPad format with ease.
3. HTM to iPad Converter does edit information of EPUB files freely, such as name, author and etc.
4. HTM to iPad Converter has great performance in converting speed and efficiency.
5. HTM to iPad Converter convert HTM files to iPad format eBooks with great quality and outstanding performance.
6. HTM to iPad Converter convert HTM files to iPad format eBooks for easy reading on various mobile devices compatible with EPUB.
7. VeryDOC HTM to iPad Converter helps you to preserve all the original elements of the HTM files after conversion, such as text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout.
8. HTM to iPad Converter does reserve all original elements in HTM files after conversion.
9. VeryDOC HTM to iPad Converter provides you the function of browsing an image as the cover of EPUB eBook.
10. You are free to edit EPUB eBook information like name and author to customize the output.
11. HTM to iPad Converter convert HTM files to iPad in high speed and excellent quality.
12. HTM to iPad Converter supports batch conversion.


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HTM to iPad Converter
File Size:1261 KB
Last updated:2005-08-14
License:Free Trial   $19.95
OS:Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinOther,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP Inc
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