Network & Internet  /   File Sharing/Peer to Peer  /  BitHit 2.4.0 Free Download
"BitHit is a highly-packed file sharing program in terms of functions and features created for safe..."

Quick Download BitHit 2.4.0

BitHit is a file sharing client based on the former Azureus software, developed for both basic and advanced usage. It makes downloading via BitTorrent fast and unlimited. The app is light and strong with a great plug-in system that ensures very attractive download possibilities.

BitHit appeals to savvy users thanks to a resourceful plug-in system and its overall customizing ability but it manages to keep things simple and pleasant also for beginners.

The interface presents a nice and organized design: two windows shown below the main toolbar; there's a top window dealing with tracking the files being downloaded and another one displaying the files being seeded. You can right-click on any file and select Show Details to check out all the info about the downloading process plus graphical views about it such as the Swarm tab where you can see what and how peers are linked to your files.

The interface shows you the basic tab - 'My Torrents', where you are provided with basic info like file-rating, file- status, the name of the file downloaded. Moreover, the program offers another specific tab available for you to set (the 'Statistics' tab) and use as access point to download activities, transfers, cache, and the distributed database.
In terms of customization, BitHit is well thought out giving you lots of options when working with seeding rules, the disk cache, upload and download speeds on separate files and other functions.

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File Size:12465 KB
Last updated:2012-12-31
License:Free Trial   $0
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